Sans plastique
Emballages compostables

Facile à utiliser

1 - Remplissez la bouteille avec 350 ml d'eau

2 - Verser la poudre sur l'eau

3 - Fermez le flacon et mélangez doucement

4 - Après au moins 6 heures, mélanger vigoureusement

🌿 Compostez l’emballage après utilisation.

Votre impact


moins de carbone qu'un nettoyant tout usage typique


bouteille en plastique économisée par paquet


pour la planète


ingrédient toxique


Pas de méchanceté

✔ Sulfates ✔ Parabènes ✔ Phtalates ✔ Silicones ✔ Colorants artificiels ✔ Alcool ✔ Huiles minérales ✔ Triclosan

Que des bonnes choses

✔ Emballage compostable, fabriqué à partir d'amidon de maïs ✔ Végétalien ✔ Fabriqué à partir de sources renouvelables ✔ Donne des cheveux sains et hydratés ✔ Doux pour la peau ✔ Élimine la graisse et la saleté ✔ Prévient les irritations grâce à un pH ajusté à celui de la peau ✔ Hydratant

Pour les curieux

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Susan Thomas
Shampoo, conditioner, bath gel

I really like the products, being scent & additive sensitive, environmentally conscious.
But I have a problem with dispensing- they are very thick, difficult to squeeze out if the bottles. They are full so very little room to add water ( is this the best solution to his issue?)

fresh scent, easy on the body and hair

I am giving this a 5-star rating even with my one complaint because I think I just need a bit of practice. The gel was a bit lumpy for me after following the instructions, but once there was a bit more room in the containter it all blended together nicely. I love how it feels on my skin, and it does a nice job on my hair too. I have, what is considered, normal hair. The scent is very light and fresh and the packaging is great! I even wash my face with this and it doesn't dry out my skin. I look forward to having just the one bottle on my shelf once the other products I have are finished. It will look so sleek.